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Xmas 24 c.jpg
A five couple set at our 2024 Christmas Dance

About RSCDS Norwich

The Norwich Branch of the RSCDS was formed in 1956 and has members from all over Norfolk.

Our parent organisation, the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) was founded in 1923 and is a member-based charitable organisation, based in Edinburgh. It is dedicated to the promotion of Scottish Country Dancing and music and has many branches and affiliated groups in over 50 countries around the world.


The Branch holds weekly dance classes on a Monday evening in Norwich and new members – singles or couples, experienced dancers or beginners – are always welcome to join our group at any time - see Classes Page.  We also hold several social dances each year, see Events Page, and actively support our fellow RSCDS branches and groups affiliated to the RSCDS in East Anglia. See the

Useful Links Page.    Our Facebook Page is here.

What is Scottish Country Dancing

Scottish Country Dancing is one of the forms of Scottish social dancing which has been around for centuries. It is very good exercise, both physically and mentally, and is friendly and great fun. You don’t have to be Scottish and you don’t need to come with a partner, unless you prefer to. Dancers usually have different partners for each dance with more experienced dancers partnering with the less experienced to help in the learning process.


Scottish Country Dancing is not Ceilidh Dancing which you may be familiar with from weddings and other social events.  It is more challenging and perhaps more rewarding, while still retaining the elements of fun and friendship that can be found at a successful Ceilidh.

A brief clip from one of our Monday Classes

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